Registration Deadline is near

The registration to register for the 2016 summer swim & dive team is Saturday May 28th.  If you are planning to join the team this summer please make sure to turn in your registration by the end of the day.  All forms are available on this website.  They can be found under the “FORMS” link. Forms are also available on the Team Unify website as well.

Practice is still re-scheduled to begin on Monday June 13th.  The last I heard from the Village was at the council meeting on Monday 23d when I was advised my Mayor Pape that they are still looking at a June 6-8 opening time frame.  He also cautioned me that any rain would delay our open.  If you have any further questions regarding the pool contact the Village offices.

We are still working on rescheduling our first two home meets of June 8 & 15.  We will advise you as soon as possible when the reschedule dates are available.